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We at Amledo & Co specialize in project development, human resource, research, evaluation, marketing and communications with focus on European projects.
City College Norwich welcomes lecturers from Sweden
City College Norwich was hosting 13 lecturers visiting from Sweden, keen to find out more about the UK further education system, and the engineering apprenticeship programmes available at the college. Representatives from 5 colleges in Sweden are visiting City College Norwich as part of a project containing 24 colleges, which aims to promote vocational training in engineering and construction. The 3-day programme will see the delegates experience how vocational training is delivered in the UK.
On day 1, the delegates learned how the engineering provision is delivered at City College Norwich, as well as visiting the college’s engineering facilities.
Day 2 sees the delegates learn about the structure of the apprenticeship programme and visit the Stratton Motor company – an Aston Martin dealership – to follow the apprenticeship programme in industry.
The final day will see lecturers from City College Norwich learn about the roles and responsibilities of the visiting lecturers. They will also visit the production facilities at the Lotus car factory in Hethel to see how world-class cars such as the Elise and the Evora are manufactured.
The trip has been organised by Patrick Arlemalm, Managing Director of Amledo & Co. – a Swedish company that specialises in projects focusing on education and labour market issues. He said the trip was a fantastic opportunity for the visiting colleges and City College Norwich to exchange practices, in what he hoped would be part of a long term sustainable relationship with UK colleges.
In Sweden, most students in vocational training learn at Technical Colleges, where the skills needs of local companies are integrated within the training learners receive in school. Here, learners spend three years in college and complete 15 weeks in industry. Approximately 5% of learners in vocational training are apprentices who spend half their time in industry and half in college.
Technology, environment and sport lecturer, Chris Souch, said that the fundamental purpose of the trip was to stimulate discussion and learn how colleagues in similar fields operate in a different country.