New and free valuable knowledge useful in vocational education and training (VET) for integration
It is a win-win situation if bottlenecks can be reduced for the large number of new arrivals to get jobs in industries where there is a great need for workers. VET is an important piece in the puzzle for integration and will face new challenges for many years to come.
Our reports indicates issues in order of priority that have been highlighted in vocational training in Austria, Germany, the Netherlands and Sweden with a focus on wood, metal and vehicle industry training. The results point to specific needs and include recommendations for teachers/trainers and managers/policymakers for competences facilitating vocational education and training for refugees.
When you need free valuable knowledge useful for integration, please click below.
Report 1: Intercultural learning methods and practise in Austria, Germany, the Netherlands and Sweden
Report 2: Quality Criteria in order to support instructors and teaching staff in teaching and developing a suitable learning environment for refugees in the vocational education field.
Report 3: Learning Objectives for the further education of VET teachers in teaching intercultural learner groups
The reports are developed by Amledo & Co, Sweden , ‘Handwerkskammer für Ostthüringen, Germany, bit Schulungscenter GmbH, Austria and Aventus in The Netherlands.
Project no 2016-1-SE01-KA202-022082. With the support of the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.

Learning objectives in VET for integration
New and free valuable knowledge useful in vocational education and training (VET) for integration
It is a win-win situation if bottlenecks can be reduced for the large number of new arrivals to get jobs in industries where there is a great need for workers. VET is an important piece in the puzzle for integration and will face new challenges for many years to come.
Our reports indicates issues in order of priority that have been highlighted in vocational training in Austria, Germany, the Netherlands and Sweden with a focus on wood, metal and vehicle industry training. The results point to specific needs and include recommendations for teachers/trainers and managers/policymakers for competences facilitating vocational education and training for refugees.
When you need free valuable knowledge useful for integration, please click below.
Report 1: Intercultural learning methods and practise in Austria, Germany, the Netherlands and Sweden
Report 2: Quality Criteria in order to support instructors and teaching staff in teaching and developing a suitable learning environment for refugees in the vocational education field.
Report 3: Learning Objectives for the further education of VET teachers in teaching intercultural learner groups
The reports are developed by Amledo & Co, Sweden , ‘Handwerkskammer für Ostthüringen, Germany, bit Schulungscenter GmbH, Austria and Aventus in The Netherlands.
Project no 2016-1-SE01-KA202-022082. With the support of the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.