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Support by The Swedish Confederation of Transport Enterprises

The Swedish Confederation of Transport Enterprises support the report Training materials, equipment, and teacher training in VET for e-vehicles and What can we do together when the vehicle sector is being digital? Thanks to Tomas Tärnfors, Industry developer skills supply, the Swedish Confederation of Transport Enterprises,

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What can we do together when the vehicle sector is going digital, Erasmus+ 2020-1-SE01-KA202-077795
Partners: Margus Kivi, teacher of Automotive Engineering, Specialising in Electric Passenger Cars, Max Michael, teacher in vehicle technology, specialising in Electric Passenger Cars, Pär Winther and Patrik Eriksson, teachers in vehicle technology, specialising in Electric Passenger Cars, Keijo Sipinen, teacher in vehicle technology, specialising in Electric Power Trucks, Stig Mårstad, teacher in vehicle technology, specialising in Electric Passenger Cars, Roger Rosmo, manager for technology and industrial subjects, Per-Magnar Skånøy, teacher in automotive engineering, specialising in Electric Passenger Cars, Kjell Tore Vikvald, teacher in automotive engineering, specialising in Electric Passenger Cars, Jan Börstell, teacher in vehicle technology, specialising in Electric Passenger Cars, Henrik Larsson, teacher in vehicle technology, specialising in Electric Powered Trucks and construction machines, Ave Paaskivi, and Patrick Ärlemalm, Amledo & Co AB, CEO and project coordinator.

-Thanks Patrick Ärlemalm, this is one of our key projects to take our branch schools in lead in important topics such as digitalization, cross border partnership and electrification! Tomas Tärnfors, Industry developer skills supply, the Swedish Confederation of Transport Enterprises.


-We must rethink when the industry changes, says Max Michael, teacher of vehicle technology at Uppsala vocational upper secondary school Ekeby, in the trade magazine The vocational teacher. “The automotive industry has undergone major changes in recent years. Electric and hybrid vehicles are becoming more common, and it is important for schools’ vehicle and transport programs to keep up with developments.


Pic: Partner meeting in Uppsala, Sweden