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We at Amledo & Co specialize in project development, human resource, research, evaluation, marketing and communications with focus on European projects.

We at Amledo & Co specialize in project development, human resource, research, evaluation, marketing and communications with focus on European projects.
Well-organized learning exchange of vehicles teacher
It was a well-organized and interesting exchange when 17 vehicles teacher from Sweden visited the automotive training and workshops in Gera. They were on the spot to exchange experiences and knowledge on how to work in Germany with the automotive training. An exchange also facilitates the planning of job experience and learning in German and Swedish workshops. Hosts of the visit was Andreas Jörk mobility coach at the Chamber of Crafts in Gera and Ingolf Zupfer, teachers in automotive electronics, which together with the companies representing the dual vehicle training program applied with success in Germany. Francesca Venturella mobility coach at the Chamber Crafts in Kaiserslautern also attended. The visit attracted the attention of German newspapers and a forum for continued knowledge sharing was established as well. With support of Erasmus+.