- WorldSkills Sweden
- Bosön – Riksidrottsförbundet (National Sports Complex)
- 100 colleges
- LO (Central Trade Union organisation with 770 000 members)
- Industrirådet (National Industrial Council)
- Trä- och möbelföretagen (Employers’ association of the wood processing and furniture industry)
- ABF (Sweden’s largest adult liberal education association)
- Transportföretagen (National umbrella organisation the transportation sector)
- Reumatikerförbundet (National Rheumatism Association)
- Högskolan i Halmstad (Halmstad University)
- Mälardalens Högskola (Mälardalen University)
- Örebro Universitet (Örebro University)
- Folksam (Swedish insurance company)
- Hällefors kommun (Hällefors municipality)
- Nora kommun (Nora municipality)
- Järfälla kommun (Järfälla municipality)
- Nyköping kommun (Nyköping municipality)
- Stiftelsen Minerva (Minerva Foundation)
- Vårdförbundet (The Swedish Association of Health Professionals)
- Folkbildningsrådet (The Swedish National Council of Adult Education)
- Studieförbundet Vuxenskolan (Adult liberal education association)
- Stockholms läns landsting (Stockholm County Council)
- Region Värmland (A regional municipal association)
- Örebro läns lansting (Örebro County Council)
- Röda Korset (Red Cross)
- Samhall AB (State-owned company employs 20 000 people)
- Fastighetsanställdas förbund (The Building Maintenance Workers´ Union)
- Handikappförbundens samarbetsorgan (The Swedish Disability Federation)
- Svenska ESF-rådet (The Swedish ESF Council)
- Coompanion Uppsala (Cooperative enterprise association)