DELTA Developing Expertise in Work-Based Learning and Teaching Assessment

Photo Worldskills Sweden

Amledo & Co are developing expertise in work-based Learning and Teaching Assessment. We promote, facilitate and improve the participation of companies in the VET system. We promote a better understanding between the world of vocational education and the world of companies, and communicate how students learn in vocational colleges. Develop the skills of tutors/mentors in companies so they will be better prepared when hosting a VET student, either through dual VET programmes, apprenticeship schemes or any other method of practical in-company training.


DELTA Portfolio is addressed at VET students and VET colleges. They will be able to use the DELTA digital portfolio to present the student´s specific skills

DELTA Toolkit for Tutors and Mentors

Collaborative Apprenticeship Schemes for SME’s


Delta 2017-1-UK01- KA202-036810.