(Svenska) Program för West Lothian College, den 1-5 december 2014
Erasmus+ support for internships abroad 2025
First out in 2025 at APL in Oldenburg, Germany, are six automotive students from Uddevalla and several more in the pipeline from Ystad and Karlstad. Automotive technology teachers will also job shadow in Germany, Holland, Norway and Denmark.
Benefits of an internship abroad
Internship abroad is an excellent opportunity to develop both as a professional and an individual, and it can open up new career opportunities internationally
TTC Jönköping on an Erasmus+ internship
Three automotive students from TTC Jönköping on an Erasmus+ internship in Gera, Germany. The practice is very successful. The students and their colleagues in the workshop are a good team.
Automotive practice and job shadowing
(Svenska) Lärorikt och uppskattat Erasmus+ utbyte med fordonspraktik och jobbskuggning
Erasmus+ evaluated by the Government Office
Erasmus+ is considered to be a well-functioning program that contributes to the internationalization and development of individuals and organizations.
Automotive teachers meet in Trondheim
Professional relationships, open doors to new opportunities and facilitate the exchange of ideas and best practices
100% granted budget application for Erasmus+ KA1
Amledo & Co has today received a decision on the granted budget application for Erasmus+ KA1 accredited projects in the vocational education sector, 2024, which corresponds to 100% of the requested budget.
Automotive students receive praise
Provehicle 2023-2027
online seminar for vehicle instructors
Welcome to our European network's online seminar for vehicle instructors on 6 & 8 February 2024.
CheckProof valuates the learner's attendance and work activities
Learners in vehicle technology and their teacher Max Michael use the Swedish Confederation of Transport Enterprises' CheckProof mobile app as an learning logbook during the work based learning period in Germany.
Job shadow Norwegian colleagues
(Svenska) etter Andersson, lärare i fordonsteknik på Nyköpings gymnasium ska jobbskugga norska kollegor på Byåsen videregående och delta i deras arbete i skolans fordonsverkstad tillsammans med elever.
Amledo & Co is invited by Norwegian Directorate for skills
Promotion of applications within the Centres of Vocational Excellence, an Erasmus+ programme for projects seeking support for Euro 4 million.
Amledo & Co is invited by the Ministry of Education
Amledo & Co is invited by the Ministry of Education to a seminar on Erasmus+ ahead of the mid-term evaluation of the programme.
Work-based learning in Germany
Amledo & Co is the Erasmus+ KA1 accredited project coordinator in the vocational education sector.
We are considered as a best practice
You have successfully implemented and equipped education and training within the vehicle sector systems to online and distance learning platforms. You did this successfully within the expected lifetime of the project. Objectives of the project were clear, achievable, and proportional to the scope and experience of the partnership. The project is therefore to be considered as a best practice.
Granted application for the Erasmus+ KA1
Amledo & Co has now received a decision on the granted application for the Erasmus+ KA1 accredited project in the vocational education sector, 2023, which corresponds to 100% of the requested budget.
Work based learing with the support of Erasmus+
Together we will once again launch work based learing abroad with the support of Erasmus+ on 1 June 2023.
Learning video for e-vehicle
Video technology and pedagogy with a focus on didactics for learning video for e-vehicle education
Approved Erasmus+ accreditation
(Svenska) Ackrediteringen bygger på en strategisk plan för långsiktig kompetensutveckling av personal och utbyten för elever.
Erasmus+ for vehicle training
The Swedish Confederation of Transport Enterprises will make a new application for EU funding for travel, subsistence and accommodation during student traineeships or teacher exchanges within the EU through the Erasmus+ program. The application is made in collaboration with Amledo & Co.
European collaboration sharpens vehicle students
Video films for vehicle training
Meeting at Lugnetsgymnasium
Support by The Swedish Confederation of Transport Enterprises
The Swedish Confederation of Transport Enterprises support the report Training materials, equipment, and teacher training in VET for e-vehicles and What can we do together when the vehicle sector is being digital? Read the report for free.
Confederation of Transport Enterprises support vehicle training collaboration
(Svenska) Transportföretagen stödjer rapporten Utbildningsmaterial, utrustning och lärarutbildning i yrkesutbildning för e-fordon och Vad kan vi göra tillsammans när fordonssektorn digitaliseras?
Vehicle training exchange with Germany
(Svenska) Amledo & Co, Patrick Ärlemalm, VD, har i mer än ett decennium som Erasmus+ koordinator samarbete med ett 50-tal gymnasieskolor med fordonsutbildning i samverkan med Transportföretagen.
VET in vehicle is going digital
New report about what we can do together when the vehicle sector is going digital
Digital education of e-vehicle
New handbook with main pedagogical and didactic aspects for the digital and virtual education, focusing on the needs of e-vehicle teachers.
Network for e-vehicle training
Peter Gustafsson and Jonas Olofsson teachers in vehicle technology, specialising in electric passenger cars at Nordenbergskolan i Olofström represents Sweden at a Study and Networking Event 26 – 30 Sept. 2022 in Gera, Germany. uropean e-Transport Network for VET (ETN4VET)
Rewarding meeting in Berlin
Attended a rewarding meeting in Berlin on Erasmus + exchanges with the Networking Event Training without Borders. Interest in competitiveness, organisational and competence development through international contacts is on the rise.
Successful networking event for vehicle instructors
(Svenska) Projektet och nätverket Erasmus+ ETN4VET vill bidra till att minska kompetensklyftan mellan e-transport, yrkesutbildning och arbetsmarknadens behov för att stödja attraktionskraften i att använda elfordon och bidra till EU:s gröna giv.
Benefits of digital teaching in VET
Benefits of digital teaching and training practices in e-vehicle VET
10 years of internship abroad for vehicle training
Internship abroad gets great feedback
The feedback from the German colleagues is great. Amledo & Co in collaboration with the Swedish Confederation of Transport Enterprises and 24 partner schools with vehicle training.
Electric car mechanic of the future
Then we are well on our way to gathering information and developing a common pattern for training future car mechanics, with a focus on electric cars and digital technology
Support refuges from Ukraine in VET
Acquire intercultural skills for vocational introduction and training. Learn more by simply entering the free e-learning course. "Relevant learning outcomes and intercultural competence tools for vocational education and training staff and work-based mentors " "Very interesting", "Important content", say leading experts in skills provision and vocational training.
New handbook on digital teaching in e-vehicle
handbook for free with main pedagogical and didactic aspects for the digital and virtual education and training, focused on the needs of e-vehicle teaching staff.
Teaching courses for e-vehicles free of charge
The benefits of working with digital skills portfolios is very good.
(Svenska) Den omedelbara effekten som noterades var studenternas ökade kommunikationsförmåga. Erfarenheten av den pedagogiska nyttan av att arbeta med digitala kompetensportföljer är mycket god.
Meeting with 100 technology teachers in Norway
Vehicle training, industry and digital skills portfolios
Interactive video production for safe handling of e-vehicles
Learning seminar at CELF in interactive video production preparing learners for safe handling of e-vehicle in a workshop. Vehicle teacher from Sweden, Denmark and Germany. Coordinator Patrick Ärlemalm at Amledo & Co AB.
Vehicle teacher job shadows award-winning colleagues in Denmark
Vehicle teachers in Denmark and job shadows award-winning colleagues leading digital training. With the support of Erasmus + and in collaboration with Transportföretagen. Coordinator Amledo & Co, Patrick Ärlemalm.
Digital competence portfolios
• Over 80% of companies believe that digital competence is important for the business. • 87 companies out of 98 are positive about digital competence portfolios and 68 are very positive. • 64% of companies think that a video that shows important skills is good.
More Electrified Vehicles in Europe
Resilience and excellence through quality, inclusive and flexible VET. Sustainability – a green link in VET
Study trip for job shadow vehicle training in Denmark
Electricity and hybrid education as well as pedagogical tools through digital learning.
WorldSkills Sweden, Germany, Norway, and Luxemburg in joint EU-application
The application has been developed in collaboration with Amledo & Co
Evaluation criteria for digital competence portfolios
Quality indicators that provide guidance for evaluating digital skills portfolios
Collaboration with WorldSkills Sweden
WorldSkills Sweden, Skills Finland, Skills Latvia initiates talks on joint efforts to create a strong application for the call for the Center of Vocational Excellence
Electric cars new challenge for VET
Collaboration can lead to new thinking, new actions and new understanding and learning in the subject of electric and hybrid vehicle technology
Digital teaching and training practices in e-vehicle VET
Equipping education and training within the vehicle sector systems to online and distance learning platforms.
Amledo & Co for professional excellence
Amledo & Co collaborates with WorldSkills Sweden, Transportföretagen and vocational training in Sweden, Norway, the Netherlands, Denmark, Germany, Finland, Scotland and Estonia. All Centers of Vocational Excellence.
New report promotes digital portfolios
I really like this report. I think it is really well done. Not too much text, but everything that is necessary to be there, is there, Virpi Kaasinen, teacher, Kainuu Vocational College, Finland
Successful collaboration at industry level for workplace internships
Our industry concept with active participation and responsibility for all parties involved, student, teacher, management, has largely been copied by Erasmus + latest call for consortium collaboration at industry level for workplace internships and exchanges in Europe.
Electric powered and hybrid vehicles learning
Equipping education and training within the vehicle sector systems to online and distance learning platforms. This includes supporting teachers to develop digital competences and safeguarding the inclusive nature of learning opportunities.
New digital training of e-vehicle
Today another new project starts developing on-line digital training videos with focus on learners and e-vehicles learning and training objectives
Questionnaire to employers
Vehicle and transportation learners make their own videos
Three countries and six schools collaborate in electric and hybrid vehicle technology
Three countries and six schools discuss the subject of electric and hybrid vehicle technology, which deals with function as well as troubleshooting and simple repairs of electric and hybrid vehicle electric propulsion systems. The subject also deals with electrical safety when working on or near high-voltage systems in electric and hybrid vehicles.
Two new and approved Erasmus + applications
Teachers in Canada and the UK visit Amledo's website
What can we do together when the vehicle sector is being digital?
Due to the major technological shift that the vehicle sector is experiencing, with a combination of electric powered and hybrid vehicles, the need for expertise will be quickly affected by increased demand in new technology areas. The objective is to come up with ideas and recommendations of resources that can operate collaboratively in VET in the vehicle trade, in order to upgrade skills as technology advances. With support from Erasmus+
What a year!
E-learning has been given a significant role and we can count on it to stay and develop.
More learners want to join vehicle professional training
Through internship and exchange projects, vehicle teachers and students have acquired European work experience and knowledge in their professional field, which has also increased the attractiveness of the vehicle program. In addition, vehicle learners have the highest degree of establishment in the Swedish labour market.
Collaboration with the painting industry
Amledo & Co has initiated collaboration with the painting industry
Lesson plan for digitalportfolio
Here, as a teacher, you get inspiration in the work of designing lessons where students can create their own digital competence portfolio and increase students' digital competence.
Tools for intercultural competence in vocational training
Learn more by signing up for the free e-learning course for vocational teachers and tutors. Relevant learning outcomes and tools for intercultural competence for VET staff and work-based mentors.
Approved Erasmus + application
Provehicle is extended by 24 months
Teachers in Australia, US are Looking for tools for intercultural competence.
Work is underway on digital competence portfolios
The Swedish Commission calls for training for newcomers who provide work
Client receives EU millions with our help
Nick from Holland thrived at Audi in Sweden
Vehicle teacher on exchange in Germany
Vehicle learners from Jönköping, Hässleholm and Uddevalla in Germany
Tips for vocational educators with newly arrived learners now also in German
Kickoff for Erasmus + vehicle team!
Praise from Erasmus +
Digital skills portfolio a new Erasmus+ project
Invitation European vehicle VET network meeting in Uppsala, Sweden 10 Oct 2019
How to facilitate your work with newly arrived learners
DELTA Toolkit for Tutors and Mentors
Erasmus + funds for working with digital competence portfolios
I am proud of what we have done and I like Amledo & Co's, leadership.
Record numbers participate in our courses online
Training of trainers in vehicle electric/electronic teaching and “industry 4.0
Vehicle learner from Ystad at work practise in Germany
Approved Erasmus + funds that enable 100 learners and VET staff moblity
Vehicle electronics in focus when teachers job shadowed in Germany
Amledo & Co is assigned by the Swedish Confederation of Transport Enterprises
Elever testar digitala kompetensportfölj. Rektor och lärare är mycket positiva
Nya EU pengar för utlandspraktik för elever och lärare
Good news our Erasmus +project outcomes is approved by the National Agency of Sweden
Happy visitors from Germany get acquainted with Swedish vocational education
Practice allows students to grow