First out in 2025 at APL in Oldenburg, Germany, are six automotive students from Uddevalla and several more in the pipeline from Ystad and Karlstad. Automotive technology teachers will also job shadow in Germany, Holland, Norway and Denmark.
Internship abroad is an excellent opportunity to develop both as a professional and an individual, and it can open up new career opportunities internationally
Learners in vehicle technology and their teacher Max Michael use the Swedish Confederation of Transport Enterprises' CheckProof mobile app as an learning logbook during the work based learning period in Germany.
Amledo & Co is the Erasmus+ KA1 accredited project coordinator in the vocational education sector.
Together we will once again launch work based learing abroad with the support of Erasmus+ on 1 June 2023.
Video technology and pedagogy with a focus on didactics for learning video for e-vehicle education
(Svenska) Ackrediteringen bygger på en strategisk plan för långsiktig kompetensutveckling av personal och utbyten för elever.
(Svenska) Amledo & Co, Patrick Ärlemalm, VD, har i mer än ett decennium som Erasmus+ koordinator samarbete med ett 50-tal gymnasieskolor med fordonsutbildning i samverkan med Transportföretagen.
New report about what we can do together when the vehicle sector is going digital
Attended a rewarding meeting in Berlin on Erasmus + exchanges with the Networking Event Training without Borders. Interest in competitiveness, organisational and competence development through international contacts is on the rise.
The feedback from the German colleagues is great. Amledo & Co in collaboration with the Swedish Confederation of Transport Enterprises and 24 partner schools with vehicle training.
handbook for free with main pedagogical and didactic aspects for the digital and virtual education and training, focused on the needs of e-vehicle teaching staff.
Learning seminar at CELF in interactive video production preparing learners for safe handling of e-vehicle in a workshop. Vehicle teacher from Sweden, Denmark and Germany. Coordinator Patrick Ärlemalm at Amledo & Co AB.
Vehicle teachers in Denmark and job shadows award-winning colleagues leading digital training. With the support of Erasmus + and in collaboration with Transportföretagen. Coordinator Amledo & Co, Patrick Ärlemalm.
The application has been developed in collaboration with Amledo & Co
WorldSkills Sweden, Skills Finland, Skills Latvia initiates talks on joint efforts to create a strong application for the call for the Center of Vocational Excellence
Equipping education and training within the vehicle sector systems to online and distance learning platforms.
Equipping education and training within the vehicle sector systems to online and distance learning platforms. This includes supporting teachers to develop digital competences and safeguarding the inclusive nature of learning opportunities.
Today another new project starts developing on-line digital training videos with focus on learners and e-vehicles learning and training objectives
Three countries and six schools discuss the subject of electric and hybrid vehicle technology, which deals with function as well as troubleshooting and simple repairs of electric and hybrid vehicle electric propulsion systems. The subject also deals with electrical safety when working on or near high-voltage systems in electric and hybrid vehicles.
Due to the major technological shift that the vehicle sector is experiencing, with a combination of electric powered and hybrid vehicles, the need for expertise will be quickly affected by increased demand in new technology areas. The objective is to come up with ideas and recommendations of resources that can operate collaboratively in VET in the vehicle trade, in order to upgrade skills as technology advances. With support from Erasmus+